About Us
Meet Lilit Vartanian, M.Ed.

Lilit Vartanian is a classroom teacher who is also certified in Positive Discipline. She has a Masters of Education in Educational Foundations and has served as an educator for over a decade in the greater Los Angeles area.
Lilit became one of the high performing teachers within her school district and had much success building a cognitively engaging curriculum and classroom culture in which students thrive. By understanding the development of the brain and how it affects behavior and by taking into consideration the whole child, her classroom is tailored to meet the needs of every child that walked through the door. As a teacher, Lilit has been called upon by school leaders to conduct various professional developments where she shares her knowledge and best practices with other educators.
Lilit used her knowledge and expertise to launched Heart in Heart Parenting, an educational consulting service. Through this forum, she works with individual parents as well as organizations and local schools to bring educational workshops to both educators and parents.
Above all, Lilit is a wife and a mother to two beautiful boys, Daniel and Samuel, who are the inspiration behind all the work she does.